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8 Major Causes of Constant Fatigue

One of the most difficult and bad things in any adult’s life is constant fatigue. Of course, there are obvious reasons why we are constantly exhausted, e.g., stressed, lack of sleep, etc. But in addition to these reasons, some of our more mindless habits can also exacerbate our fatigue to some extent, and we don’t even realize it.

In this article, we have collected several non-obvious reasons why you feel tired and figured out how to avoid fatigue in everyday life.

Reasons for Constant Fatigue

Here are some most common reasons for constant fatigue:

1. Emotions 

Emotions of high intensity, even good ones, can tire us out. Moreover, it can contribute to mental exhaustion and even burnout. It is common, especially if a person is very emotional. While many of us know how exhausting high-intensity emotions can be, we usually don’t think about them when we feel tired.

You need to control and monitor your emotions, even when you are having fun. So the next time you start reading another best-selling novel or watching a new interesting show on TV, think about whether you have the mental energy for this. If you feel that you have the power for emotions, great; if not, then you can postpone watching it.

2. Alcohol 

Alcohol is evil and the enemy of your rest and recovery. Unfortunately, many people like to have a drink before bed to feel relaxed. But this is a mistake. Alcohol actually prevents you from falling asleep quickly. In addition, alcohol makes your sleep weak, which leads to the accumulation of fatigue.

Moreover, it can become a habit in the same way as one can get used to sedatives used for sound sleep. In order not to disturb your sleep, you need to quit alcohol abuse. You can even get help from professionals to abandon alcohol consumption. For those planning to get treatment, it is important to know that the rehabilitation process is very effective to give up addiction. And when you get sober, the quality of your life will improve.

3. Skipping Workout

When we are tired, many of us feel like skipping another workout. Although it may seem like the right decision at such times, experts advise against doing it. Despite your fatigue, a planned workout often helps improve your overall condition. It gives you a boost of energy and gives you positive emotions by increasing endorphins.

If you’re thinking about skipping a workout because you’re too tired, be sure to think again. Chances are you’ll be glad you put in the extra effort to work out. But if you refuse to train – later, you will blame yourself for this. And you will get only a bad mood and even more emotional fatigue.

4. Poor Posture

Poor posture is one of the main causes of fatigue. It causes additional stress and tension in parts of our body that are not designed for it. This can build up over time, causing fatigue and other problems such as headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain, and poor circulation. The next time you find yourself slouching at a table, be sure to sit up straight. It turns out our moms were right when they scolded us for slouching.

5. Sedentary Lifestyle 

When we sit all day, we always feel tired. This contributes to mental exhaustion, but you can counteract this with the obvious solution of moving around a bit regularly throughout the day. Even if it’s just stretching exercises, a short walk, or a quick burst workout at lunchtime, it will help to make you active. Moreover, moving around does not take much effort or time.

6. Long Stay In The Room

Going outside to get some fresh air and enjoy the sun always improves your mood and boosts your positive energy levels. Unfortunately, when we spend our weekdays commuting from car to office and back, getting outside for a walk can be a challenge.

If you find yourself tired during the day, one way to counteract fatigue is to go outside, even if just for a few minutes, to gain some energy. If possible, open your window shades to let the sunlight in. It can also help fight fatigue.

7. Beware Of Multitasking

When we have too many things on our minds, it can lead to our brain being overloaded with information. Even multiple open tabs in an internet browser can be subconsciously tiring. And while all those open tabs may not seem like much of a problem. But in the back of our minds, they will take away extra energy from you that many of us just don’t have.

Going from tab to tab in your browser gives your ego the delusion that you are doing an incredible amount of work. You don’t actually fully process what you’re trying to consume effectively. If you tend to leave a lot of unnecessary tabs open, try making it a habit to close the ones you don’t currently use. This way, you don’t let extra tabs drain you even more.

8. Too Many Unfinished Tasks

Too many unfinished tasks are the mental equivalent of clutter. Dozens of tiny things that distract you also drain your energy throughout the day until you finish them. If the tasks are small enough, try to get rid of them as soon as possible. If there are too many unresolved cases, you can change your to-do list. And consider starting your to-do list with a clean slate.

Then, when you start making a new to-do list, keep priorities in mind. Some items on your to-do list are important, some are moderately important, and some are just not worth your time. As you create your new to-do list, take a few minutes for each item to make sure they’re really needed.

In this article, we mentioned a list of habits that can lead to fatigue. You need to give them up if you want to stay active and healthy.

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