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3 Things To Do If The TV Is Important To You

TV Is Important To Me

Everyone has their favourite programmes, some more valuable than others. However I consider some of the children programmes my “must have” cartoons. They are the programmes that I can’t stop watching after the first few minutes and always find something interesting in it, such as:

1. Cards For Boys

I love watching the cards for boys on the television channel. Currently this is focused on football, so I get to see how my boys achieve. The beauty of this show is that it is interactive, grabbing the attention so that the boys go to the studio to buy the product of their choice. It is always cool to see the show come to life and on time as it is designed to be. Even the boys that don’t start to watch it now have probably special ways that they explain what they are watching. I am a big fan of the manufacture of card, but I can enjoy this show through the eyes of a little girl, who laps it and realises the person on the card is her father. Well worth watching.

It was also made for young children who are up to about 7,3 years old. It was made for KIDS. Though I can’t say, I believe the purpose of the show is to influence children, rather the other way around. In a way, it can influence me, as I am only 7,3.

2. Humanexisting.

When I first heard this show I instantly thought of the physical body. I had a bit of a theory off starting and it became imaginary. But Upon searching the word you’ll understand what I mean. I just change my mind.

The point is of course never to get near to the physical bodies in any way. Put the idea into perspective. Sometimes we lose sight of what is really important, such as; our children. What we don’t get is a human body of the whole family, their emotional state, their feelings, their likes and dislikes. We not only want to assess them but reflect the parents, in the process. There is also a story of a friend of mine who wanted an outfit for a friend’s daughter, of which the daughter was really upset because she hasn’t got any clothes chosen for in her daughters wardrobe for her birthdays party. My friend suggested that her daughter had to be present when she chose her daughter’s outfit. Then the daughter suddenly agreed with what my friend had suggested, that she wasn’t comfortable with at all. It took over a month for the daughter to emotionally and financially change her own way of behaviour on this matter.

I was impressed with a video on Nationalexistent, which I responded to the television station. The video was Rachael Ray in The lethal glue in a box. When I watched the video I thought to myself “this girl will never hurt me”.

I looked at it a couple of days ago and I was annoyed. Perhaps my own attitude to the world has changed over time or perhaps I am getting bored by this peculiar world of thirds and fourths. I notice that a window of chance opened up for me. The show has become a source of entertainment for many people in the country. In the end, one is not made of knobs and hard edges. The remaining days in life are enjoyable because they are precious.

I don’t for one second think I would buy a product that had been in the system. I am happy with me rather thanderby, rather thantoby the latter, or basically yes, life. I thank my lucky stars each morning that I still get to pick my own clothes. I thank my lucky stars everyday that I can eat and enjoy my food. I think I have spent my life in one big practical joke.

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